For Musicians
Looking to record your next single or film a music video? Check out all our services below!
Perfect for musicians wanting to show off their talents and original music in a stripped back and acoustic live setting. These afforadable videos are great for sharing both with your fans and venues to book more gigs!
Whether you want to share clips of your latest gig online or release a full live show performance, you can be sure we'll capture the moment!
A great option for musicians wanting something a bit more custom. If you've got a great idea for your very own music video and need
someone to film and edit it, we've got you covered!
Looking to record and mix your next Single, EP or Album in a fun, friendly enviroment? Our studio has all the bells an whistles yet still comes at a great price.
Need a poster for your next big gig? Cover art for an album release? Or maybe you just want to refresh your social media profiles with some cool new graphics? This option is just what you need.